Craft Swap


1st Saturday of the month, 12pm - 1pm

Manchester Craft and Design Centre

Do you have any unwanted or underused craft materials you’d like to swap for something else? Then join us on the first Saturday of the month from 12pm – 1pm where you can donate your craft materials, explore new craft mediums and meet like-minded craft folk.

All unclaimed craft materials will be saved for the next swap or donated to local schools and charities.

2024 DATES
3rd February
2nd March
6th April
4th May
1st June
6th July
3rd August
7th September
5th October
2nd November
7th December

Free, drop-in event
12pm – 1pm
Atrium of Manchester Craft and Design Centre
Never miss a swap by joining our Facebook Event page here

Our Craft & Chat Club will held after the Craft Swap from 1pm – 3pm. Join us for a natter and a chance to craft with others.