ACE Funding News

BY Anneka Woods


Manchester Craft and Design Centre

Arts Council England Continue Investment in Manchester Craft and Design Centre

We are delighted at today’s news, and we are incredibly grateful to Arts Council England for their continued support and investment in Manchester Craft and Design Centre. Our successful bid means we can continue to deliver against our new vision and strategy, with a focus on developing emerging talent and ensuring that Manchester as a city can take a leading role for craft in the region and nationally.

Arts Council England are investing in 990 organisations for the next three years so that more people in more places can enjoy creativity and culture wherever they are.

Arts Council England Chair, Sir Nicholas Serota, said: “As well as continuing our commitment to our many established and renowned cultural organisations, I am deeply proud of the support we will be giving to those new organisations which will help ignite creativity across the country.  We are facing economic pressures at present but this funding is about an investment in our future. This portfolio will support the next generation of visionary inventors, makers, performers and artists. In particular, the growth of our funding for organisations that support and develop work for children represents a profoundly important long-term investment in our country’s talent.”

Arts Council England Chief Executive, Darren Henley, said: “Together, each of the 990 organisations that have been offered funding today will contribute to a portfolio that is rich, varied and truly national. This is our widest ever spread of investment across the country, ensuring that many more people will have access to a wider choice of exceptional art, culture and creative opportunities on their doorsteps. We are in tough times but we must remember creativity brings with it extraordinary dividends, boosting our country’s economic growth, creating jobs, bringing communities closer together, and making us happier as individuals. Everyone deserves to enjoy the benefits it brings, and with this investment, we believe we’ve taken a decisive step towards making that vision a reality.”

Manchester Craft and Design Centre