Elizabeth Jane Winstanley – New Design Britain Awards

BY Manchester Craft and Design Centre


We are excited to share with you some further ‘Good News’ from our ‘Spotted graduate winner’ the extremely talented Elizabeth Jane Winstanley , who has recently been announced as shortlisted for the New Design Britain Awards 2014 in the ‘Surfaces’ category.

Young design talent at its best

‘The New Design Britain Awards are one of the most important competitions in the UK for young design talent, giving recognition to students for innovative and ground-breaking work and providing an opportunity for INTERIORS UK to encourage new young stars and look to the future of the furniture industry.

Students enter the New Design Britain Awards for a chance to have their designs and products displayed at the show and to win a placement with a leading industry supplier.’
We wish Elizabeth the very best of luck and can’t wait to see her exhibition here in March 2014. 
For more on others we have Spotted: Click Here 
For more information on Elizabeth Jane Winstanley: Click Here